staff application
Join our team

Working at Camp Massad is a truly rewarding experience filled with opportunity for growth. When you join our team, you will spend the summer gaining and sharing valuable career skills and leadership opportunities among a group of like-minded peers and mentors. We hire to the highest standards, complementing our counselors who return year after year, and more often than not grew up at Massad, with staff from Israel and Europe to give our campers a wider cultural perspective. When you join our team, you become part of the lifelong Massad mishpacha!
We train staff extensively before, during and after the summer so that together we can uphold Massad's mission, vission and values and our staff standard of excellence. We prepare our staff to be Jewish role models by investing time during pre-camp to launch our summer theme and unpack it together. Each theme is chosen based on its ability to highlight a core Jewish value we want to instill in our campers and staff. Examples of our past themes include Hineni and Am Echad Lev Echad. As we explore each of these themes, we take a closer look at how our Dugma Ishit (leading by example), shape our camp culture and the people around us.
Start dreaming of your own Massad summer! If you have a positive attitude, commitment to safety, a determination to giving your campers the summer of their lives, and enjoy living in a beautiful camp environment, Camp Massad is where you should be calling home all summer!

Camp Director
Brenda Lerman
Machane Massad is my home –
it is my past, my present and my future.

Associate Director

Assistant Director
sarah golombek

Camper care specialist
zoe nadler

Camper care specialist
jess pink
As a lifelong camper and staff member (17 years!!), I truly believe that summer camp is the best place for campers and staff to foster independence, lifelong friendships, and love of Jewish identity. I’m excited to weave my educational background in social work into camp this summer on the Camper Care Team. I can’t wait to support each camper and allow them to shine and have a successful summer.

Rosh Tochnit
michal jacobs
I am Michal

Rosh operatziot
roey wunsh
work at camp massad
Staff login
Once you are hired, login to your CampinTouch portal that you used for your application where you will find important staff info, updates and all of the staff forms you are required to complete, such as your Health Form.