The Foundation of our Camp
welcome to camp massad
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If you remember losing your voice during Maccabiah (not colour war!), Grey cup Bar Ilan and Hebrew U, the hot chocolate at the end of Ma'apilim, burning the Izkor sign on Tisha B'Av, intercamps, Blue Bonnets, being thrown in the agam bli beged yam, shabbat-o-grams, the unparalled magic of oneg shabbat, Havdallah under the stars, the ruach in the chadar ochel, the only Hebrew speaking camp in the Laurentians - then you are part of the mishpacha!
We have proud Massad alumni all over the world who carry with them the traditions and values they learned at camp.
Massad’s special culture coupled with its substantial focus on Zionism, has graduated generations of alumni who have found their Jewish voice at Massad and now disproportionately fill our leadership ranks – leaders on campus, leaders within their community, even several leaders on the world stage, all of whom, today, attribute the backbone of the values they hold to Massad.
Join our alumni database to keep in touch with camp and other Massad alumni!

Chevrei Massad
The Camp Massad Alumni Association
Chevrei Massad, the Camp Massad Alumni Association, has as its mission to foster a spirit of loyalty, support and engagement among a network of former campers and staff.
To become a member of the Chevrei Massad team who work hard to increase engagement and promote and encourage a sustained sense of belonging and loyalty to Camp Massad please contact Brenda at [email protected].